‘Murder of Judaism’: French Jewish body slams Israel's Gaza war
Palestinians search for missing people under the rubble following an Israeli airstrike in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Palestine, Jan. 7, 2024. (EPA Photo)

What the Israel has unleashed on Gaza is "murder of Judaism," the French Jewish Union for Peace (UJFP) said Saturday as it strongly condemned the military action, now in its fourth month.

The Jewish collective highlighted the ongoing Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, reporting nearly 30,000 Palestinians killed or missing in the past three months.

"This number, equivalent to the percentage of French lives lost during a five-year span in World War II, includes a shocking 75% of victims being women, children, and the elderly," it said as it criticized Israeli authorities' "grotesque" pretext of "eradicating" Hamas.

UJFP said Tel Aviv's true objective is to wage "a war of extermination against the population of Gaza."

The poignant appeal against the ongoing atrocities underscored the devastating human cost of Israeli attacks.

UJFP noted the near-total destruction of infrastructure, including hospitals and schools, leaving the displaced and bombarded population homeless and starving.

The Jewish group sounded the alarm about the lack of moral restraint exhibited by Israel, with leaders boasting about heinous crimes and making scandalous statements.

UJFP quoted explicit statements from Israeli leaders, condemning them as the words of "assassins."

"These statements of assassins are followed by actions," it said, referring to the horrifying images of pulverized neighborhoods, thousands of massacred children, entire families annihilated and the endless exodus of a deliberately starved population, coupled with the destruction in Jenin and Huwara in the occupied West Bank, along with widespread torture of prisoners.

The group said these repercussions have also affected Israeli society, where "a significant part of public opinion has departed from humanity."

UJFP accused Israeli media of finding amusement in Palestinian suffering and said: "Supremacy and inequality of rights are now embraced."

In no uncertain terms, UJFP accused Israel, defining itself as a Jewish state, of "killing Judaism, whether secular or religious."

Confronted with the tragedy, the group addressed Jews worldwide, emphasizing the existence of international law and human rights, urging collective consciousness against the immorality of being "complicit in the ongoing genocide in Gaza."