French far-right party claims to be 'ready' to govern country
French far-right National Rally (RN) party President Jordan Bardella delivers a speech in Paris, France, June 24, 2024. (AFP Photo)

French far-right leader Jordan Bardella has said his party was ready to govern the country, pledging to cut immigration and address economic concerns ahead of a divisive national polls.

"In three words: we are ready," the 28-year-old president of the National Rally (RN) told a press conference as he unveiled his party's program.

President Emmanuel Macron threw France into turmoil earlier this month by calling the snap election after his centrist party was trounced by the far-right National Rally (RN) in a European vote.

Weekend polls suggested the RN would win 35-36% in the first round Sunday, ahead of a left-wing alliance on 27-29.5% and Macron's centrists in third on 19.5-22%.

Bardella, credited with helping the RN clean up its extremist image, has urged voters to give the eurosceptic party an outright majority to allow it to implement its anti-immigration, law-and-order program.

"Seven long years of Macronism has weakened the country," he said, vowing to boost purchasing power, "restore order" and change the law to make it easier to deport foreigners convicted of crimes.

He reiterated plans to tighten borders and make it harder for foreigners born on French soil to gain citizenship.

"It's been 30 years the French have not been listened to on this subject," he said.

Bardella added that the RN would focus on "realistic" measures to curb inflation, primarily by cutting energy taxes.

He also promised a disciplinary "big bang" in schools, including a ban on mobile phones and trialing the introduction of school uniforms, a proposal previously put forward by Macron.

On foreign policy, Bardella said the RN opposed sending French troops into Ukraine – as mooted by Macron – but would continue to provide logistical and material support.

He said his party, which had close ties to Russia before its invasion of Ukraine, would be "extremely vigilant" in the face of Moscow's attempts to interfere in French affairs.