Dutch voters head to polls to elect prime minister
Voters attend a polling station in Winterswijk, the Netherlands, Nov. 22, 2023. (AFP Photo)

Voters in the Netherlands headed to the ballot boxes on Wednesday in a neck-and-neck race to elect a new Prime Minister to replace Mark Rutte after 13 years.

Opinion polls suggest the result is far too close to predict, with any of four candidates – including one from the far-right – within striking distance of power in the EU's fifth-largest economy.

The vote is being closely watched across Europe and further afield: the Netherlands tends to punch above its weight in the EU and on the world stage, with steadfast support for Ukraine and eurozone fiscal discipline.

Polls suggested huge numbers were undecided going into election day, making the result a literal coin toss for one voter.

"For me, this is a bit of a different election because anyone can win. In the end, it came down to two candidates. I tossed a coin and chose one," Vincent Spijker, a 54-year-old quality control manager, told Agence France-Presse (AFP) after casting his vote.

Curbing immigration, solving a crippling housing shortage that especially affects Dutch youth, and the cost-of-living crisis have dominated the campaign. The war in Gaza and climate change have received less focus.

Whoever comes out top will face a long struggle to form a workable coalition, a process that will likely last well into next year. The last Rutte government took 271 days to be formed.

"To me, there are a lot of parties, some of them a bit useless really. That makes it a bit difficult to vote," 21-year-old student Talitha van Zanten told AFP.

Could the Netherlands elect its first woman prime minister? Dilan Yeşilgöz, leader of the center-right VVD party and successor to Rutte, is hoping to cap a meteoric career by clinching the top job.

Born in Türkiye, the 46-year-old has taken a hard line on immigration, pledging to drive down refugee numbers – a paradox to many as she arrived as a young refugee girl following her asylum-seeking father.

Yeşilgöz shrugs off the fact she would make history as the first woman prime minister, but told AFP at a recent rally: "It's about time."

Yeşilgöz immediately raised eyebrows by declaring a willingness to welcome anti-Islam firebrand Geert Wilders into a VVD-led coalition – a radical departure from Rutte's policy.

Wilders has toned down some of his more hardline views, even saying there were "bigger problems" than bringing down asylum numbers and that he could put some of his anti-Islam positions "in the freezer."

As prime minister he would govern "for all Dutch people," Wilders insisted during an election eve debate.

His PVV party carried some momentum into the final days of campaigning, enjoying a big spike in the polls, and he seems likely to play some role in postelection jockeying.

A Wilders win would be a political earthquake felt beyond the Netherlands, but it is unclear who would accept to join a PVV-led coalition, making forming a government tricky.

Pensioner Lyon Kloezeman, 75, told AFP she voted for Wilders in the hope he would "stem the flood of asylum-seekers."

"We don't have the money, time or space (for asylum-seekers), and we should look after our own people," Kloezeman said.

Pieter Omtzigt, a maverick MP and whistleblower, has thrown a massive spanner in the works with the creation of a completely new party, the New Social Contract (NSC).

Dubbed "Saint Pieter" and considered by many a messiah for his campaign to clean up Dutch politics, he looked the clear favorite at one point.

But his support appeared to have dipped in the final days of the campaign, hampered by uncertainty over whether he actually wanted the top job.

If Yeşilgöz, Omtzigt and Wilders are all on the right of the political spectrum, former European Commissioner Frans Timmermans is hoping to build a left-wing wall to keep them at bay.

Architect of the EU's Green Deal, the 62-year-old brings experience, climate credentials and a safe pair of hands to the campaign.

He too saw a jump in support in the final days, with analysts saying left-wing voters were banding together with his Green/Labour party to prevent a right-wing coalition.

In the fragmented Dutch "Polder" political system, no party is likely to win more than 20% of the vote, meaning coalition horse-trading begins immediately after the results.

Voting closes at 9 p.m. (8 p.m. GMT) when exit polls are published. Turnout is usually relatively high above 70%.

Until then, the suspense is total. "Anyone who knows who is going to win this election is lying through their teeth," political analyst Julia Wouters told AFP.

"Anything and everything can still happen."

No party can achieve an absolute majority. According to the polls, a coalition of at least three parties is likely to be necessary for a majority.

The three leading parties could each gain between 16 and 18% of the vote, according to an overview of the polls published on Tuesday.

Election researcher Peter Kanne from the I&O Research Institute said the outcome is therefore almost impossible to predict.

"Many will vote strategically," he said, adding that right-wing voters may give their vote to Wilders and his tough anti-migration stance in order to force the most right-wing coalition possible.

In contrast, other voters may now consider voting for the red-green alliance in order to prevent a coalition with Wilders.

The early general election was called after Prime Minister Rutte's center-right coalition collapsed over a conflict about migration policy. Rutte then announced that he would leave national politics. He has been prime minister for around 13 years and will remain in office until a successor is elected.