Venezuela's Maduro to resume direct talks with US ahead of polls
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro during the broadcast of his weekly TV program 'Con Maduro ' in Caracas, Venezuela, July 1, 2024. (EPA Photo)

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has decided to resume negotiations with the United States, with just weeks left for the country's presidential elections.

Maduro confirmed Monday that he has accepted a proposal to restart direct talks with Washington, which has reimposed crippling sanctions on Caracas.

"After thinking about it, I have accepted and next Wednesday the talks will restart with the United States government to comply with the agreements signed in Qatar and to re-establish the terms of the dialogue with respect," Maduro said in a televised broadcast.

In late 2023, Washington and Caracas secured a prisoner exchange deal following months of negotiations mediated by Qatar.

Venezuelan official negotiator and National Assembly President Jorge Rodriguez will travel for the talks, Maduro said, without detailing the specific topics to be discussed.

The talks started some two years ago, but after U.S. oil sanctions were reimposed last April, Maduro's government accused the United States of violating the Qatar accord.