Iran delivers weapons to Syria

According to a recent report by western intelligence, “Iran has been using civilian aircraft to fly military personnel and large quantities of weapons across Iraqi airspace to Syria to aid President Bashar al-Assad.

The reports states that the Iranian administration has been sending weapons to their most staunch ally in the Middle East through Iraq's air-field.

A Reuters article, which was based on findings from the western intelligence report, states that the use of civilian aircraft for weapons transfers is what has led to it going unnoticed. It was only detected when there happened to be an abnormal increase in flights coinciding with the periods when fighting intensified in Syria.

Iraq says it does not allow the passage of any weapons through its airspace. But the intelligence report obtained by Reuters says Iranian weapons have been flowing into Syria via Iraq in large quantities. Such transfers, the report says, are organized by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Although the specific charges about Iraq allowing Iran to transfer arms to Damascus are not new, the intelligence report alleges that the extent of such shipments is far greater than has been publicly acknowledged, and much more systematic, thanks to an agreement between senior Iraqi and Iranian officials.

It added that Iran was also "continuing to assist the regime in Damascus by sending trucks overland via Iraq" to Syria.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander-in-Chief Mohammad Ali Jafari announced for the first time last week that Iran had a military presence in Syria, stated that members of the force were providing non-military assistance.

Meanwhile, both Iraqi and Iranian officials have dismissed the intelligence report. Ali al-Moussawi, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's media adviser recently stated, "Iraq rejects baseless allegations that it allows Iran to use its airspace to ship arms to Syria," he said. "The prime minister has always called for a peaceful solution to the Syrian conflict and the need for a ban on any state interfering in Syria whether by sending arms or helping others to do so."