Enver Sedat's wife: Revolutions take time

Cihan Sedat, the wife of Egypt’s third president Enver Sedat, attended an event entitled the Sedat Forum, which was founded in his memory and held Tuesday at Maryland University.

Speaking with SABAH, Dr. Sedat stated that Egypt's future is optimistic; however the course of events in Syria is deeply saddening. "There will not be an immediate transition to democracy. Revolution's take time," states Sedat, going on to mention that despite this, Egypt has come a long way.

Sedat went on to express that she hopes for an Egypt that will have further advanced and more expansive women's rights and human rights and will be a place where women will play a more active role in the community. "We still need time to mend our wounds. Yet within a year, we have held parliamentary and congressional elections. We have succeeded in many ways; however we still have a ways to go."

Expressing that even though she has always wanted to come to Turkey, she has yet to do so, Sedat stated, "My grandmother was actually Turkish and my husband Enver Sedat was an Atatürk fan. Atatürk was a model for him."