‘Turkey is the sole country to display solidarity with the Somali public’

Turkey has delivered more international humanitarian aid than other nations with booming economies such as China, India and Brazil.

Furthermore, humanitarian aid offered from Turkey, which coincides with the nation's increasing economic strength, is considered much more sympathetic than aid efforts conducted by other nations.
An article by news agency Reuters writes, "Where most expat aid workers fear to tread in Mogadishu, recently arrived Turkish aid workers have been driving in the streets, swimming in the sea and praying in local mosques."


Other news articles have also noted that despite the weak security measures in place, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan still visited Somalia in August, and was the first head of a non-African state to do so for nearly 20 years. Ever since that trip, new born babies have been given the names Erdoğan and Istanbul.

Articles express that Turkey is the sole nation to display solidarity with the Somali public and in addition to all of the aid offered Turkey has since opened an embassy, started work on the international airport and made plans to build a new hospital.

"Turkey is an animating force in Somalia ... The people honestly love them," said Mustakim Waid, who worked in Mogadishu for the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) -- the second-largest intergovernmental organization after the United Nations.