Songs sung for Somalia

A concert held on September 18th by the Popular Music Arts Foundation will have famous performers such as Deniz Seki, Reyhan Karaca and Müslüm Gürses singing for Somalia. The benefit concert’s slogan is ‘Sing a Song Save a Life’.

Member performers of the Popular Music Arts Foundation (POPSAV) will be taking to the stage to perform a concert entitled, 'Sing a Song, Save a Life' in order to offer support for the humanitarian drama suffered in Somalia.
Slowly becoming a tradition, this 'Popsav Song Days' concert will be held on September 18th, with proceeds going to help those suffering from famine in Africa. The concert, organized in conjunction with the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality will be held at the Harbiye Open-Air theater and will showcase performances by Hakan Peker, Metin Özülkü, Deniz Seki, Reyhan Karaca, Müslüm Gürses, Sinan Özen, Nez, Kutsi, Berkay, Ümit Sayın and Sercan Orhan. POPSAV Chairman Hakan Peker states, "We also wanted to contribute to the aid that is going to those starving in Africa."
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Forestry and Water Works will be drilling wells in Somalia in order to prevent further drought. The ship transporting the drilling machinery will depart the Mersin Port for Somalia today. The Department of Religious Affairs has also initiated a campaign, entitled 'Let Somalia also celebrate the holiday' in order to bring smiles to the faces of those suffering from starvation and drought in Somalia during this holiday season.
Donations collected at mosques during the Ramadan Holiday as well as donations made by SMS or to bank accounts will bring holiday joy to the African continent. Türk Telekom has decided to cancel two Ramadan meals for employees to instead send the funds to Somalia, donating a total of 1.5 million liras including donations made independently by staff members. Nine children between the ages of seven and 15 in Pendik, Istanbul, sold their toys, collecting a total of 155 TL, which they donated to the campaign spearheaded by SABAH.
The Anatolian Tigers Businessmen Association (ASKON) has arranged for 13 trucks full of textiles and food products to be sent Somalia via a ship departing from Mersin. According to ASKON Chairman Mustafa Koca, they are experiencing the pride of doing their part against this shame of humanity. Shop owners in Tahtakale are also sending a truck full of toys for the children in Somalia. According to an announcement by the Prime Ministry, the total aid collected thus far in the Aid Campaign for Somalia has reached 373,391,000 liras.