Turkish security forces eliminate 1,320 terrorists in fall operations
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Security forces killed 1,320 terrorists in both internal and cross-border operations in the fall, striking a blow to the PKK and its Syrian affiliate the YPG as they were passing on to winter formation. Among those terrorists were Servet Aydın, Söylemez Yaşar and Beraat Afşin, wanted in the red category of the Interior Ministry’s list.

The Interior Ministry's most wanted list is divided into five color-coded categories, with red marking the most wanted, followed by blue, green, orange and gray, depending on the sensitivity of their criminal activity.

Afşin, code-named "Medya Agit," was killed during a National Intelligence Organization (MİT) operation on Nov. 19, security sources confirmed.

Aydın, code-named "Gülçiya," and Yaşar, code-named "Tekoşin Batman," were eliminated in the Gara region of northern Iraq.

On May 27, Turkey launched Operation Claw against the PKK in the Hakurk region of northern Iraq. The ongoing offensive has neutralized dozens of terrorists. The operation has encompassed various phases, namely Operation Claw-2, launched on July 12, and Operation Claw-3 launched on Aug. 23.

All offensives have been designed to ensure security along the Iraqi border, especially the area running between southeastern Turkey's Şırnak and northern Iraq's Sinat-Haftanin region.

Turkey has also long been fighting to eradicate the presence of terrorist groups in northern Syria, conducting three cross-border operations there – Operation Olive Branch, Operation Euphrates Shield and, most recently, Operation Peace Spring.

Furthermore, 360 of 865 sought-after suspects were detained in later operations targetting the organizations’ youth structuring, conducted in several provinces.

Apart from armed operations, Turkey is also taking measures to prevent children from falling into the clutches of the PKK.

Many of the surrendered terrorists revealed the inner workings of the organization and said that a large number of militants intend to surrender but are locked up in cells the minute they are detected. The Interior Ministry announced earlier this year that more than 408 terrorists had voluntarily surrendered since 2017.