Turkish-built post offices ease daily life in terror-free regions in northern Syria

Post offices built by Turkey in the northern Syria regions cleared from Daesh terrorism have added to the efforts to bring back daily life to normal, with regular postal services, as well as cargo services, money transfers, bill payment and other banking transactions. Residents have expressed their appreciation for the services provided by the General Directorate of Post and Telegraph Organization (PTT) in Jarablus, al-Bab, Azaz, and Marae, several towns liberated from Daesh during Operation Euphrates Shield.

"I have come to Azaz from Idlib to do some transactions at the PTT office. We would like PTT to operate also in other parts of Syria," Abu Marshad, a local Syrian was quoted by Anadolu Agency (AA) as saying.

Marshad said previously he would performs money withdrawals and transfers through currency exchange offices, adding, however, that the exchange offices were not reliable.

"With PTT offices operating here, we can do our transactions securely and faster," he added.

A Syrian worker at the PTT, Muhammad Ali, said the PTT branches were operating in a way that makes daily tasks easier for the residents.

Areas previously held by Daesh in northern Syria were cleared of the terrorist group through Operation Euphrates Shield, launched in August 2016 and ended in March 2017. Since then Turkey has made efforts to rebuild the towns' infrastructure, as well as health and education institutions.