Kurdish woman lashes out at reporter for pressing her to criticize Turkish troops

A Kurdish woman in Iraq's Irbil lashed out a Rudaw reporter for pressing on the Turkish operation instead of asking about the village's lack of basic needs.

In the video which has gone viral on social media platforms on Saturday, the Rudaw reporter asks the woman whether any bombardments hit the village of Eshme.

She told the journalist the Turkish operation has never affected the village and only the hilltops behind it, adding that Turkish soldiers have already assured villagers that they will not be harmed and they are only here for observation purposes.

When the woman, an animal breeder, complained about not being able to take the animals out of the village for herding, the reporter asked whether Turks were preventing the villagers to do so.

"Turks are letting us, the PKK is the ones not giving the permit. If they clean the PKK from the area, it will be free."

"But you should do something, we don't have roads, electricity, and water. Why don't you struggle a bit; we don't have a school here. Instead of asking about our roads, water, and school, you ask about Turkish troops," the woman seethed.

On Jan. 20, Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch was launched to clear the Syrian PKK affiliate People's Protection Units (YPG) from Afrin in northwestern Syria.

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) entered the Afrin city center and liberated it from the YPG on March 18. Ankara plans for the operation to continue until Turkey's entire border with Syria is emptied of terrorists.

According to the General Staff, Operation Olive Branch aims to establish security and stability along Turkeytarget="_blank"'>