Former HDP deputy allegedly trained as PKK bomber, surrendered terrorists confess

PKK terrorists who surrendered to security forces confessed that allegations about former pro-PKK Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Şırnak Deputy Faysal Sarıyıldız aiding and abetting the terrorist group were correct, saying that after his expulsion from Parliament he went to PKK's Mahmur and Gare camps to receive training as a bomber.

According to the confessions, Sarıyıldız went to the Mahmur camp after he was kicked out of Parliament. Then he was sent to Gare camp where he received bombing and weapons training.

Gare is one of the most important camps for PKK terrorists, where they are trained for equipment production, computer usage and bomb making with different materials.

Sarıyıldız fled Turkey due to the possibility of his parliamentary immunity being lifted in May 2016. He was booted out as a deputy on July 2017 over non-attendance in parliamentary sessions.

The former HDP deputy, indeed, has had a close link with the PKK terrorist group.

"Democratic autonomy is being established. The Kurdish struggle will make celebrations with this spirit. I wish a happy Nevruz to Apo [referring to imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan], the leader and the guide of Kurdish people and to all the guerillas in the mountains," he said at Nevruz celebrations in 2014 in Şırnak.

On Jan. 27, 2015 a large number of grenades, radios, long-barreled weapons, guns and bullets were captured by police while searching a house in Ceylanpınar where they found that Sarıyıldız had intended to send these weapons to the PKK's Syrian wing, the People's Protection Units/Democratic Union Party (YPG/PYD), and had driven to Ceylanpınar in a vehicle he bought from two suspects and then registered in his name.

Afterwards, Parliament Speaker's Office received a file on parliamentary immunity from the Prime Ministry for Faysal Sarıyıldız on charges of "supplying arms to the terrorist organization," on July 2015.

In late January 2016, he reportedly attempted to entrap security forces in the Cizre district of Şırnak province, claiming, "Thirty people have been wounded in the basement of a building and cannot reach an ambulance." The claim proved to be a hoax in the end, allegedly made up for security members to fall into a trap.

The pro-PKK HDP has been repeatedly accused of aiding and abetting the terrorist organization through abuse of office and personal attempts. The party has been severely criticized for failing to distance itself from the PKK terrorist organization as well.