11 Daesh terrorists killed as Operation Euphrates Shield enters its 152nd day
Turkish armoured units head to Syria. (Takvim File Photo)

A total of 11 Daesh terrorists have been killed, while two others were wounded, said the Turkish military in a statement released on Sunday about the ongoing Operation Euphrates Shield conducted in northern Syria against terrorist groups.

The Turkish military provided up-to-date information on the military developments that took place between Jan. 21, 7 a.m. (GMT 4 a.m.) to Jan. 22, 7 a.m. local time.

The statement said the Turkish forces were backing the ongoing operation of Free Syrian Army (FSA) units which left 11 Daesh terrorists dead, while two other terrorists were reported wounded.

"[A total of] 165 Daesh terror targets, including hideouts, defensive positions, command control facilities, weapons and vehicles were hit during the day," the release also said, referring to the bombardments carried out by land and air.

Turkish jets bombarded two Daesh targets in al-Bab region. Two car bombs were neutralized in the bombardment, the Turkish military said and released a video footage showing the air strike targeting the Daesh car bomb.

The U.S.-led coalition took part in the bombing campaign, with the bombing of terror targets in the southeastern part of Tadif. The coalition bombardment destroyed one car bomb, and one artillery piece used by Daesh, while one terrorist was injured in the bombardment.

44 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) were destroyed by explosive ordinance teams over the span of 24 hours, adding up to a total of 3,088 since the beginning of the operation, while 43 mines were detonated.

On Aug. 24, 2016, Turkey declared that is was exercising its rights of self-defense codified under the U.N. Charter Article 51, and launched Operation Euphrates Shield.

A National Security Council press release (Nov. 30, 2016) stated that the operation's objectives were to maintain border security and confront Daesh terrorism within the framework of the U.N. charter; it also emphasized that the PKK terrorist organization, as well as its affiliates the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and People's Protection Units (YPG), will not be allowed to establish a corridor of terror on Turkeytarget="_blank"'>