18 Daesh terrorists killed, 14 positions destroyed in n. Syria
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Eighteen Daesh terrorists have been killed, 14 positions belonging to the terrorists have been destroyed in northern Syrian town of al-Bab as part of Operation Euphrates Shield, the Turkish military said on Saturday.

A total of 214 positions have been shelled by the Turkish military to enable movement of the forces against Daesh terrorists, the military said.

14 Daesh targets, including eight shelters, two arms-laden vehicles, two headquarters and two defense positions have been destroyed in Turkish airstrikes, the military added.

Meanwhile, a total of 2,922 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) have been neutralized by Turkish explosive ordinance teams and 43 mines have been detonated.

Turkey launched Operation Euphrates Shield in August 2016 to eliminate terrorist organizations along its border with Syria and support coalition forces.