PKK terrorist plotting an assassination killed in Diyarbakır

A PKK terrorist preparing to undertake an assassination was killed Tuesday by security forces in Turkey's eastern Diyarbakır province.

According to the statement released by the Diyabakır Governorate, intelligence units informed security forces that the terrorist S.Ü., code-named "Evin" and part of the PKK's mountain team, was in Diyarbakır's Bağlar district. After the information was released, the intelligence units and teams from the Special Task Forces Department launched an operation to capture the terrorist. The PKK militant responded to the call to surrender by opening fire on the security forces, and was killed during the exchange.

Recently, PKK terrorists have been attacking politicians as well as administrators appointed to municipalities after the mayors were discharged due to alleged terror links.

Four PKK terrorists killed in Turkish airstrikes in Iraq

At least four terrorists linked to the outlawed PKK have been killed in airstrikes carried out by Turkish jets in northern Iraq, confirmed on Tuesday by Turkish military sources.

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) said four terrorists were killed in the Sinath-Haftanin region, where a shelter was also destroyed in airstrikes.

Turkish jets have been striking PKK positions across the border in northern Iraq, since the group – considered a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and EU – resumed its 30-year armed campaign against the Turkish state in July last year.

Since then, PKK terrorist attacks have killed more than 600 security personnel and also claimed the lives of countless civilians, including women and children, while more than 7,000 PKK terrorists have been killed in military operations.