Operation Euphrates Shield Update: Day 69, Daesh, PYD targets hit

Turkey hit 99 Daesh and four PYD/PKK targets within the last 24 hours as part of its Operation Euphrates Shield in northern Syria, the military said Monday. In a statement, the Turkish General Staff also said six opposition fighters had been killed and 18 others wounded. Turkey's Operation Euphrates Shield was launched in late August to clear Syria's northern border area of terrorists. It is now in its 69th day.

The operation has seen both Daesh and PKK/PYD terrorist groups targeted by the opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA) plus Turkish tanks, artillery and aircraft.

The PKK and its Syrian offshoot, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), are both listed as terrorist groups by Turkey, although the U.S. and EU view only the PKK as a terrorist organization.

The army added that since the beginning of the operation in late August, 33 mines and 1,375 handmade explosives have been destroyed.