Pentagon avoids question on arms transfers to YPG, PKK

Pentagon spokesperson Peter Cook on Wednesday avoided a question on the relationship between the PKK terrorist organization and its Syrian offshoot, the People's Protection Units (YPG) regarding whether or not the U.S.'s arms support to the YPG reaches the hands of the PKK and is used against Turkey.During Cook's press briefing, a reporter raised a question in reference to reports that claim the U.S. supply of armament to the YPG is also getting transferred to the PKK."I'm not aware – I'm not aware of those reports," Cook responded. Ankara has repeatedly warned Washington that the armaments supplied to the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) get into the hands of the PKK terrorist group. Cook added that the weapons were transferred to the SDF and other "local partner forces on the ground" and that such transfers have been discussed with Turkey.Responding to a question raised on how sure Pentagon can be about whether the weapons were somehow transferred to the YPG or PKK, Cook said: "We have no indication that that's happened."Meanwhile, responding to a question on the presence of PYD/YPG elements in the Syrian town of Manbij, east of the Euphrates River, Cook said: "I can tell you again that we – from what we're seeing on the ground, that the SDF has honored its commitments to move back east of the Euphrates." Cook's comments were in contradiction with Ankara's claims that YPG terrorists still remain in Manbij, as part of the SDF.