Terrorist confesses planned PKK attack on 1st Army

A recently captured PKK terrorist admitted that the PKK was planning to organize an attack on the 1st Army Commandership at the Selimiye Barracks in Istanbul, testimony during his interrogation revealed.Yakup Akan, who was using the fake identity "Diyar Doğanay" and is suspected in relation to 11 different charges related to PKK activity, was captured at the Harem coach station in Istanbul on Wednesday. He confessed in his testimony to planning and carrying out numerous terrorism crimes, including plans to attack the commandership, an attack to similar the one that targeted military service vehicles in front of the General Staff building in Ankara on Feb.17. According to reports in the Turkish media, he also said in his confession that he was sent by the PKK leadership in Northern Iraq's Qandil Mountains after the Turkish military started an air offensives there in July 2015. He confessed to taking part in planting bombs in many houses and on roads located in the Lice district of southeastern Diyarbakır province.Before his capture, he was sought for being the suspected bomb maker for the Dec. 15 attack last year in the Silvan district of Diyarbakır in which three police officers were killed and two others were wounded by a roadside bomb. He was also suspected of being involved in the bomb-making process connected to dozens of incidents in Diyarbakır's conflict-ridden district of Sur. Turkey has been hit by a series of suicide bombings this year, including two in its largest city, Istanbul, by DAESH terrorists, and two in the capital Ankara, which were claimed by a PKK splinter group, the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK).