YTB launches book on Crimean Tatar national movement in Romania
Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) President Abdullah Eren (C) and participants of the event, Constanta, Romania, Sept. 25, 2024. (Courtesy of YTB)

The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) presented the book "Once Upon a Time in Dobruja: Crimean Tatar National Movement Between the Two World Wars" at an event held at Constanta Ovidius University in Romania. Supported by YTB and published in Turkish, Romanian and English, the book delves into the history and cultural heritage of the Crimean Tatar National Movement during the interwar period.

The event marked a significant cultural moment, highlighting the importance of preserving the Crimean Tatars' identity and historical struggles.

YTB President Abdullah Eren, speaking at the event, emphasized the agency’s dedication to supporting initiatives that help preserve the cultural heritage and national identity of related communities. Eren stated: "This project, among many others we support, strengthens our ties with kin communities worldwide, particularly in the Balkans."

He further expressed his hope that the book would serve as a valuable resource for future generations, especially Crimean Tatars, helping them preserve their national identity and history.

Eren also highlighted the broader significance of the book for the Turkic world, "Once Upon a Time in Dobruja" is not only vital for the Crimean Tatars of Romania and Bulgaria but also for all Turkic communities, the book provides thematic and chronological context, showcasing key figures, leaders, locations and cultural practices of the Crimean Tatar national movement between the world wars.

With its rich collection of historical photos and informative texts, it offers a comprehensive insight into this important period.

The book also touches upon how the Crimean Tatars, despite becoming a minority after the 1877–1878 Russo-Ottoman War, managed to preserve their identity in the more liberal environment of Romania, Eren remarked on the role of both the Ottoman Empire and Romania in enabling the Crimean Tatars to retain their cultural identity.

Highlighting the growing relations between Türkiye and Romania, Eren noted the strong historical and cultural ties between the two nations. "Our relationship is not only based on state-level diplomacy but also on deep-rooted connections between our peoples. As YTB, we give special importance to education, and through our Türkiye Scholarships program, we have supported 411 Romanian students between 2012 and 2023, with 149 having graduated successfully," Eren explained.

Looking ahead, Eren announced YTB’s plans to continue promoting Türkiye Scholarships in Romania, aiming to increase the number of scholarship recipients and graduates. "We hope to further strengthen our academic ties and increase the number of Romanians benefiting from this program."

Readers can access the book and other YTB publications through the agency’s new digital platform, Dijital Kültür Platformu (DIJIKÜP).