In a significant move toward promoting sustainable waste management on a global scale, the founder of the zero waste campaign, first lady Emine Erdoğan, presided over the inaugural meeting of the United Nations' Zero Waste Advisory Board on Thursday.
Addressing the planet's increasingly prolonged cry for help, Erdoğan stressed that merely moving waste beyond a country's borders does not solve the problem. She emphasized the importance of collective efforts in addressing the waste crisis, highlighting Ankara's commitment to the cause through its Zero Waste Project.
"In just a short period, our recovery rate has surged from 13% five years ago to 27.2%, reaching 30% in 2022," Erdoğan stated. "Our vision is to achieve a remarkable 65% recovery rate by 2035."
Erdoğan shared the impressive outcomes of the Zero Waste Project's progress, noting that they have safeguarded an area equivalent to 2,000 football fields, conserved water equivalent to the annual needs of over 2 million families and saved energy equivalent to the yearly requirements of more than 200,000 families. Additionally, the project has created new employment opportunities for thousands of Turkish citizens.
Highlighting the universality of the climate crisis, Erdoğan expressed Türkiye's willingness to share its experiences and knowledge with other nations, fostering global cooperation in addressing waste management challenges.
She recalled the milestone moment when Türkiye submitted the Zero Waste resolution to the U.N. General Assembly, which received unanimous approval, leading to the establishment of March 30 as the official day dedicated to the Zero Waste movement.
Furthermore, as a result of this resolution, the United Nations' Zero Waste Advisory Board, which convened for the first time during the meeting chaired by Erdoğan, came into existence. Collaborating with the U.N. Environment Programme and U.N.-Habitat, the board aims to raise awareness worldwide by disseminating best practices and success stories related to zero waste initiatives.
Proposing a significant step forward, Erdoğan advocated for the institution of the Global Zero Waste Awards ceremony on March 30 each year. Additionally, she called for the announcement of the Zero Waste Year to enhance enthusiasm and commitment to the cause.
Erdoğan stressed the importance of not merely cleaning up pollution but also adopting a preventive approach by embracing a waste-free lifestyle globally. She emphasized the necessity for U.N. member countries to implement zero waste decisions effectively, particularly at an individual level.
"We must work together with the U.N. and its affiliated organizations, as well as regional bodies such as the EU, the Turkic Council, and the African Union, to strengthen our resolve in combating waste generation," Erdoğan concluded.
As the Zero Waste Advisory Board starts its work, the world anticipates a renewed commitment to sustainability and waste reduction, marking a significant stride toward a greener and more eco-conscious future.