Türkiye Informatics Council to convene after 20-year break
The topics to be discussed at the Informatics Council include "digital skills and agile workforce harmonization,” "taking a stronger place in the global data economy,” "next-generation sustainable development” and "digital sovereignty and resilience.” (Shutterstock Photo)

Preparations are being made for the Türkiye Informatics Council to be held once again after 20 years.

Necessary steps are being taken to position Türkiye in the global economy, where digital transformation and data-driven chains of values have become the new norm and to achieve the goals of the "Century of Türkiye" as the "century of the digital," according to the Digital Transformation Office of the Turkish Presidency.

To achieve these goals, the country will make efforts to raise awareness at the national level, including all stakeholders, such as public institutions, the private sector, academia and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).

The informatics councils held in 2002 and 2004 became the guiding principle for the country's efforts with the vision to "strive towards a society of information."

After a two-decade hiatus, preparations have begun to organize the 3rd Informatics Council to address the rapidly developing generations of digital technologies.

Preparations for the event, which is planned for the end of the year, are handled by working groups formed under six headings from the TOBB Software Council of Türkiye, the TUBISAD Informatics Industry Association, the Turkish Informatics Foundation, the YASAD Software Manufacturers Association and the BGD Information Security Association, all of which work under the leadership of the Turkish Informatics Association.

Tech road map

The coordination and the general organization of the Informatics Council will be carried out by the Digital Transformation Office of the Turkish Presidency.

The topics to be discussed at the Informatics Council include "digital skills and agile workforce harmonization," "taking a stronger place in the global data economy," "next-generation sustainable development" and "digital sovereignty and resilience."

At the Informatics Council, macro-level goals and policy suggestions will be put forward for 2030 and beyond.

Two phases of workshops have been planned so far for the working groups. More than 200 stakeholders participated in three preliminary workshops in the Turkish capital of Ankara and three more workshops will be held in Istanbul.

The secondary workshops to be organized in May under the coordination of informatics NGOs will be carried out later. In these workshops, a wider range of stakeholders will be reached, and informatics-oriented policies and solutions for 2030 will be discussed.

Then, a report will be published by the council and digital transformation and next-generation technologies will be brought to the agenda, with a road map reflecting the expectations of all parties.