Türkiye commemorates Ashura day with ceremonies
Women participate in the annual "Universal Ashura Mourning Ceremony," Istanbul, Türkiye, July 16, 2024. (AA Photo)

In Türkiye, communities unite annually to commemorate Ashura day, honoring the deaths of Prophet Muhammad's grandson Imam Hussein and his companions in Karbala

In Türkiye, people commemorate Ashura, the 10th day of Muharram, which marks the anniversary of Imam Hussein's death as a religious martyr in Karbala. The occasion is observed with remembrance ceremonies and expressions of grief as communities come together to honor the sacrifice made by Imam Hussein and his companions.

In Istanbul, the 1,385th annual "Universal Ashura Mourning Ceremony" commemorated Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, and his 71 companions killed in Karbala.

Organized by the Ja'fari Belief, Research and Education Association (CAFERİDER), the memorial event took place at the Yahya Kemal Beyatlı Show Center. Among the attendees were Istanbul Governor Davut Gül, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem Imamoğlu, Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Istanbul Deputy Şamil Ayrım, Türkiye's Ja'fari leader Selahattin Özgündüz, CAFERİDER President Hasan Babur, Alevi Islamic Services President Mesut Yıldırım and numerous politicians and citizens.

Governor Gül conveyed greetings from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, highlighting that love for the Ahl al-Bayt is universal and transcends boundaries. Emphasizing diversity as richness, Gül stated: "But love for the Ahl al-Bayt is not about our differences. It is a love that resides in the hearts, consciences and minds of Muslims both in Türkiye and around the world. The best tangible evidence of this in our lands is our names. I always say, that wherever you go in Anatolia, you won't find the name 'Yazid,' but you will find 'Hussein,' 'Hasan' and 'Ali.' This demonstrates how Anatolian people view the issue of Karbala and how it resides in the hearts and consciences of Anatolian people."

Gül also mentioned that there are as many "Muharrams" as there are "Ramadans" in these lands, which is an important indicator for them, emphasizing their acceptance of differences as richness and expressing satisfaction with and acceptance of Ja'fari citizens.

Citizens filled the venue in the early hours, and roads around the show center were closed to traffic. Police teams took strict security measures at the entrance, conducting body searches before allowing attendees to enter the venue.

Many citizens dressed in black, symbolizing mourning, commemorated the men killed in Karbala with tears and elegies. Black flags and depictions of the Karbala tragedy adorned homes and businesses around the venue.

Following the recitation of the Quran, a play depicting the events of Karbala performed by the Zeynebiye Youth Theater was watched with great interest.

After the program concluded, many people participated in a blood donation campaign titled "Give Blood, Save Lives" organized in collaboration with the Red Crescent in commemoration of Ashura Day.

In Kars, northeastern Türkiye, participants gathered at Hazreti Ali Çarşı Mosque, carrying Turkish flags and posters of Atatürk and Hazreti Ali. They proceeded in a procession along Faikbey Street to Işıklı Ehlibeyt Mosque, chanting elegies along the way.

At Işıklı Mosque, prayers were offered for the significant religious figures, followed by a solemn moment at Kars Garrison Martyrs' Cemetery, where Governor Ziya Polat reflected on the enduring significance of Karbala as a symbol of resistance against oppression.

In Ağrı's eastern Anatolia region of Türkiye, the Ehlibeyt Yeşil Association organized a program beginning with visits to the local cemetery and Yassıkaya village. Participants then marched to Ehlibeyt Yeşil Mosque, where emotional hymns and Quranic recitations marked the atmosphere.

In Iğdır, eastern Türkiye, members of the Caferi community solemnly walked from Asri Cemetery to Zübeyde Hanım Square, where Governor Ercan Turan eloquently described Imam Hussein's steadfastness in upholding truth and unity.