Turkish Red Crescent receives Global First Aid accreditation
An internationally certified first aid training class given by the Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay), Ankara, Türkiye, June 30, 2024. (IHA Photo)

The Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay) became the first Red Crescent to receive the "Global First Aid Accreditation" certificate issued by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

According to an official statement made by the Turkish Red Crescent, the 16-hour certified first aid training provided by the Turkish Red Crescent has been certified to meet international standards.

The Turkish Red Crescent became the first Red Crescent and the seventh national society to be awarded the Global First Aid Accreditation among 191 Red Crescent and Red Cross societies around the world.

The accreditation process, initiated upon the application of national societies, is based on a detailed report where officials from the IFRC Global First Aid Reference Center evaluate all stages of first aid training through field visits.

The accreditation, which has a validity period of five years, observes the criteria of having program and material content based on scientific studies and international standards in the field of first aid, reaching all segments of society.

Continuing its efforts to make life-saving first aid knowledge accessible to everyone, the Turkish Red Crescent has provided certified first aid training to 336,550 people and face-to-face informational training to 702,948 people across 30 First Aid Training Centers in 23 provinces throughout Türkiye.

Within the scope of a certified 16-hour training program, 13 topics are thoroughly covered, combining theoretical content with practical applications, this training is designed to equip individuals with essential first aid skills for handling emergencies and disasters, including home accidents, workplace incidents and street accidents.