Severe rain causes road collapse, flooding in Türkiye's Artvin
The Ortancalar highway collapses due to severe rains in Arhavi, Artvin, Türkiye, Sept. 17, 2024. (IHA Photo)

In Artvin’s Arhavi district, in the northeastern region of Türkiye, a section of the asphalt road connecting the town center to nearby villages and highlands has collapsed due to severe flooding and landslides triggered by heavy rainfall yesterday.

The rising Kapisre Stream intensified the situation, leading to the collapse of the Ortancalar highway and impacting 17 villages. Embankment and repair work is now underway on the road running parallel to the stream, while residents share their experiences of the event.

The downpour, which began in the evening, inundated streets and avenues in Arhavi, disrupting daily life and causing significant challenges for drivers and pedestrians. Increased water levels in the Kapisre Stream, which flows through the town center, have prompted the implementation of safety measures in the area.

In Hopa's Sundura neighborhood, a 56-year-old woman stranded while picking tea was rescued by Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) and Hopa Search and Rescue teams.

The flooding and landslides have closed 32 village roads to traffic: 18 in Arhavi, eight in Borçka, and six in Hopa. The Provincial Special Administration, Highways, State Hydraulic Works General Directorate (DSI), and district municipal teams are actively working to reopen these roads.

Artvin Governor Cengiz Ünsal has continued inspections in the affected districts of Arhavi and Hopa. A section of the asphalt road on Kale Mahallesi Mehmet Nazif Günal Street, which connects the town center to the villages and highlands, collapsed due to 174 kilograms of rain per square meter.

Arhavi Mayor Turgay Ataselim reported: "According to official sources, 198 kilograms of rain fell per square meter, resulting in a disaster. Thanks to the State Hydraulic Works, we have managed to address potential risks. There is significant damage to our village roads. While school transportation has been halted for two days, education in the district continues. Minor water overflows occurred in the city center, but there are no major issues or material damage. All relevant institutions and teams are on-site, managing immediate interventions. The situation is stable, with risks continuing until 8 p.m. We hope to avoid a second disaster."

A 50-meter (164.04-foot) section of the road collapsed into the stream, and transportation is being rerouted via alternative routes.

The overflow of the Sundura Stream on the Hopa-Borçka highway caused a collapse at the Yanmış Köprü area. The road is now closed to one-way traffic, and teams are continuing their efforts while implementing necessary safety measures.