Seagulls threaten perching birds in Türkiye's Black Sea coastline
A seagull in the coastal region of Black Sea, Türkiye, July 23, 2023. (DHA Photo)

The iconic seagulls that have long symbolized Istanbul's beauty are now facing a concerning issue as their population surges and threatens smaller bird species in the Black Sea region. Environmental experts from Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) have recently reported an uncontrolled increase in the seagull population, leading to a decline in perching birds and potential disruptions to the local ecosystem.

Professor Şağdan Başkaya, Head of the Wildlife Ecology and Management Department at KTU, warned about the worrisome trend. "Seagulls have become increasingly abundant in the Black Sea coastlines, displaying an insatiable appetite for perching birds. A single seagull can devour a bird half its size, leading to a sharp decrease in the perching bird population in these areas and posing a significant threat to the local ecosystem," he explained.

As an invasive species, seagulls have adapted to human interaction and are known to congregate in areas where they can easily find food, such as garbage dumps and open garbage bins. Sadly, this human interaction has unintentionally led to an exponential rise in their numbers, as people regularly feed them in various neighborhoods.

"The seagull population has reached abnormal levels due to their unrestricted access to abundant food sources. Every household seems to have a seagull nest on its roof, which poses serious risks not only to the urban environment but also to the survival of other bird species," Başkaya emphasized.

Experts have urged authorities to take immediate precautions to address the burgeoning seagull population and its potential consequences. Başkaya suggested adopting measures similar to those used against agricultural pests like wild boars to control their numbers. "Just as we regulate the population of wild boars through hunting, we need to consider similar approaches for seagulls and other species that could disrupt the balance of our local ecosystems," he asserted.

If not addressed promptly, the unchecked growth of seagull populations may lead to dire consequences for the country's wildlife and natural habitats. Environmentalists and conservationists have called for collaborative efforts between the government, researchers and the public to find sustainable solutions that will protect both the iconic seagulls and the diverse avian species of the Black Sea coastline.