Kayseri's historic Kebir Mosque reopens to public in Türkiye
An aerial view of Kebir Mosque shows its historic architecture, Kayseri, Türkiye, Sept. 29, 2024. (IHA Photo)

In Kayseri, located in central Türkiye, the three doors of Kebir Mosque, known as the "first Friday mosque," which has stood for eight centuries, have been restored to their original form and reinstalled.

While installing the doors, crafted with hand-carved artistry and taking eight months to create, historian and author Halit Erkiletlioğlu stated: "We have reached a happy conclusion by applying the motifs from one door to all three doors."

The doors of the historic mosque, located in Kayseri's Cumhuriyet Square, have been restored according to their original design. The project began after the original door in the Ankara Ethnography Museum was examined by Ömer Aksoyak, a faculty member at Abdullah Gül University, and was accepted by the Monuments Board.

The installation of the doors, crafted in Kahramanmaraş, has been completed, and Erkiletlioğlu shared information about the historic mosque: "Kebir Mosque, originally named 'Sultan Mosque,' is the first Friday mosque of Kayseri built by Melik Muhammed Gazi between 1134-1143. It is significant to have created such an immense work in a time without heavy machinery."

He continued: "The sultan constructed this mosque using his own funds without any external support; 65 years later, the Danişmendli Principality joined the Seljuks, and Kayseri became a province of the Seljuks. In 1205, during the reign of Sultan Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev, the mosque suffered damage. He added a section to the north side of the mosque, built a minaret, and opened a door to the new section."

"Over time, that door has aged and been changed several times. However, the original door was collected by the Ankara Ethnography Museum in 1923. Fortunately, it was collected," he said.

Erkiletlioğlu noted that they adapted the motifs from one door to all three doors, stating: "A year ago, I went to Ankara with Ömer Aksoyak, and we removed the door to take its exact measurements. Then, a project was written, and it was accepted by the Monuments Board.

"Today, we have reached a happy conclusion by applying the motifs from one door to all three doors, the hand-carved doors are being made in Kahramanmaraş and have been under construction for about eight months," he said.

Kebir Mosque, located in the city center next to the Grand Bazaar of Kayseri, was commissioned by the Danişmendli ruler Melik Mehmet Gazi in 1135. The inscription next to the mosque's northern door is a restoration inscription, restored in 1206 by Muzaffereddin Mahmud, one of the nephews of Melik Mehmet Gazi.

The only inscription that the monument carries today, the restoration inscription, is placed on the outer surface of the north wall near the door. The restoration inscription reads: "This mosque was restored in the year H.602/M.1206 by Yağıbasanoğlu, Muzaffereddin Mahmud during the reign of the great Sultan Keyhusrev, son of Kılıçaslan – may God exalt his assistance."