Malfunction on Istanbul metro route frustrates commuters
Yenikapı-Hacıosman metro line servives briefly halted due to a technical malfunction, Istanbul, Türkiye, Sept. 26, 2023. (AA Photo)

Commuters in Istanbul faced extensive inconvenience on Tuesday as a technical malfunction disrupted services on the Yenikapı-Hacıosman metro line, a critical artery of the bustling metropolis. Passengers were compelled to disembark from the train and traverse the tracks to reach their destinations.

The incident led to considerable frustration for hundreds of citizens who rely on the metro system to commute to school and work.

In an attempt to alleviate the situation, authorities directed passengers to alternative bus services, but the measure also resulted in congestion at bus stops.

Tensions occasionally flared among commuters, with some venting frustration on social media platforms. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB) Mayor Ekrem Imamoğlu found himself at the receiving end of criticism from disgruntled citizens.

Ülder Bıçkıcı, one of the affected passengers who had to disembark due to the malfunction, vented his frustration, saying, "My wife, our child, and I traveled from Silivri for a doctor's appointment. We are stuck here due to the malfunction, and there's no other way out," emphasizing the difficulties faced by commuters during the disruption.

However, after approximately an hour of intensive efforts by metro service personnel, services resumed to normal. In a statement issued by Metro Istanbul, the organization responsible for the metro service, it was confirmed with a statement, "Our services on the M2 Yenikapı-Hacıosman Metro Line have returned to normal."