Injured lynx cub rescued in Türkiye's Yozgat released into wild
The lynx cub after treatment and rehabilitation at Ankara University's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Türkiye, May 19, 2023. (AA Photo)

An injured lynx cub, rescued from a forest in Turkiye's central province of Yozgat, has been released into the wild after treatment and rehabilitation at Ankara University's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

The 2-week-old cub was delivered to Ankara University's Veterinary Faculty Animal Hospital in July 2022 by the hunting protection teams from the 9th Regional Ankara Branch Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks (DKMP) and was cared for in the Wild Animals Unit for more than 10 months.

The entire treatment and rehabilitation process of the lynx was undertaken in a special room with adequate facilities to ensure proper care. The cub clung to life with intensive treatment and care.

It has been determined that an area of ​​approximately 20 hectares, under the protection of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, is suitable for the lynx in terms of climate adaptability and resources.

In order to monitor the lynx's movements in the designated area, a collar with a transmitter was attached to its neck. Later, the cub was released into the wild with the participation of DKMP Wildlife Department head Erdem Karaağaç, DKMP regional and provincial administrators, the Wild Animals Unit and volunteer students.

The lynx cub after treatment and rehabilitation at Ankara University's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Türkiye, May 19, 2023. (AA Photo)

Many protected species that fall sick or suffer from injuries are rescued by wildlife officials and later released into nature within the framework of the cooperation protocol with Ankara University's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, said DKMP General Manager Kadir Çokçetin. He emphasized that these activities contribute greatly to the preservation of ecological balance.

Ankara University's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Dean Ender Yarsan also stated that they would like to take part in every task that benefits society and the environment.

Yarsan noted that the veterinary profession plays a key role in safeguarding human, animal and environmental health.

Wild Animals Unit lecturer Irem Ergin stated that all ministry facilities along with the university were mobilized for wild animals that needed support.

Lecturer Oytun Okan Şenel of the same faculty stated that any citizen who encounters a wild animal in need of help can contact ministry officials all over the country through the ALO 112 emergency call center.