IHH rallies against Israeli actions in Gaza with large Istanbul march
Thousands gather at Bayazıt Square to support Gaza during a rally organized by the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), Istanbul, Türkiye, Oct. 12, 2024. (AA Photo)

Participants march from Bayazıt Square to Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque, chanting slogans and holding banners in support of the Palestinian cause

A significant rally took place at Bayazıt Square in Istanbul, organized by the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) along with various civil society organizations. The event aimed to raise awareness about Israel's ongoing occupation of Gaza and the recent surge in violence and killings affecting the Palestinian people.

Hundreds of participants gathered in the square, holding banners and chanting slogans as they marched toward the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque, a historic site that symbolizes cultural and religious significance for many in Türkiye. The atmosphere was charged with emotion and determination, reflecting the participants' solidarity with Gaza.

After the march concluded, IHH President Bülent Yıldırım addressed the crowd with a powerful speech, emphasizing the need for collective action against oppression.

He declared: "We will end this war with victory. Good news, Israel will cease to exist, do not doubt that. By God’s will, it will end. Every time Israel spreads war, its power diminishes." His remarks underscored the resilience of the Palestinian people and the belief that their struggle would ultimately prevail.

Yıldırım spoke passionately about the broader societal issues affecting Türkiye and the world, he pointed out the rising violence within communities, stating: "We have a responsibility to cleanse this world because we are good people. However, it is essential to rectify ourselves and our communities before we can hope to free Jerusalem."

He highlighted that many families were struggling with rising divorce rates and that children were increasingly losing respect for parental authority.

As Yıldırım addressed the crowd, he encouraged individuals to reflect on their values and the impact of their actions. "Just look at our situation: we cannot support our families, and values are deteriorating. We must instill moral principles in our youth, teaching them respect for their parents and compassion for others."

He urged the community to take an active role in addressing violence and societal decay, reinforcing the need for education rooted in ethics and spirituality.

Touching on the ongoing conflict in Palestine, Yıldırım expressed his frustration with the international community's inaction. "Has the war ended? Is there no war beginning in Lebanon? Don’t these people aim to reach as far as Türkiye? We must not remain in a state of complacency," he insisted.

Yıldırım criticized those who call for a softer response to Israel's actions, asking, "What good is a gentle approach when Gazan children are losing limbs? We cannot remain silent."

Yıldırım concluded with a message of hope, urging participants to remain vigilant and committed to the cause. "Prepare yourselves, and do not give up. This struggle will end in victory, and we will achieve success by enduring. Trust in God’s plan, as outlined in the Quran, that these oppressors will ultimately be defeated." His words resonated deeply with the audience, encouraging them to continue their activism.

The rally concluded with a recitation from the Quran, followed by a moment of reflection among participants, many expressed their renewed commitment to advocating for justice and supporting the people of Gaza.

The event served as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for Palestinian rights and the importance of international solidarity in the face of adversity.