Flooding affects 12 neighborhoods across Trabzon, NE Türkiye
Cleanup and clearing efforts start in Arsin district after floods and landslides, Trabzon, Türkiye, Sept. 21, 2024. (AA Photo)

Heavy rainfall has affected 12 neighborhoods in the districts of Araklı, Arsin and Sürmene in Trabzon, northeastern Türkiye.

In a statement from the provincial governor's office, it was noted that heavy rainfall of 165 kilograms per square meter on Sept. 20 caused flooding and landslides in the three districts.

The statement indicated that the 112 Emergency Call Center and district Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) centers received 320 reports related to the situation. So far, 664 personnel, 228 vehicles and five boats have intervened in search and rescue operations, as well as in clearing blocked roads and removing debris from rivers.

The statement reported that a total of 12 neighborhoods in Araklı, Arsin and Sürmene have been affected by landslides, flooding and water inundation.

"Studies have been completed in three neighborhoods. Work has begun in the other neighborhoods. In the Araklı and Sürmene districts, operations have been completed at 93 workplaces, seven residences and three vehicles," the statement also said.

"In Sürmene, 120 decares of agricultural land have been damaged in four neighborhoods, and assessments of agricultural product losses are ongoing."

"There are no blocked neighborhood roads in the area. Work is ongoing to clear blocked roads to some houses within the neighborhoods. There are no neighborhoods without access to water, electricity or communication; however, work to resolve local water, electricity and communication outages is continuing."

The statement also mentioned that the Turkish Red Crescent has been distributing hot soup, food packages, drinks and water with three service vehicles.

It also expressed gratitude to the governorates, municipalities and affiliated institutions of Erzurum, Bayburt, Gümüşhane, Artvin, Rize, Giresun and Ordu provinces for providing vehicle, machinery and personnel support from the first moments of the floods, landslides and overflows.