Emine Erdoğan discusses women’s empowerment at MÜSİAD in Istanbul
First lady Emine Erdoğan gives a speech at the Women’s Summit held by MÜSİAD, Istanbul, Türkiye, Oct. 19, 2024. (AA Photo)

In her address at the International Awareness Summit at the Independent Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (MÜSİAD), first lady Emine Erdoğan highlighted the progress of women’s rights in Türkiye over the past two decades. Her speech focused on raising awareness about the challenges women encounter in the workforce and advocating for their rights.

Erdoğan opened her speech by highlighting the significant legal and administrative reforms implemented in Türkiye since the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) came to power.

"We have laid the foundations of a strong legal and administrative infrastructure that secures the rights of our women and strengthens their position in social life. Every day, new initiatives and improvements are added on top of this foundation," she said.

The summit gathered influential figures from various sectors, all committed to promoting women's rights and empowerment. Erdoğan emphasized the critical role of awareness as a catalyst for action, saying: "Awareness is the first step to action. To have a dream that calls us to action, we must first know."

Throughout her address, Erdoğan drew attention to the multifaceted challenges women encounter in the workforce. She acknowledged the inequalities women face, particularly in labor force participation, where they often confront unfair working conditions that undermine their contributions.

"Women should participate in production life with their intellect, talent, personality and values. This is a matter of justice and fairness," she asserted.

Her emphasis on justice and fairness resonates with a broader understanding of women's empowerment, which transcends mere participation in the workforce. The first lady articulated that true empowerment requires acknowledging women’s diverse roles in society and ensuring that their contributions are valued.

"For real empowerment, a holistic and balance-focused approach that encompasses all roles of women in life is necessary," she emphasized, pointing to the need for flexible work arrangements that can accommodate women’s responsibilities both at home and in their professional lives.

Moreover, Erdoğan articulated a compelling vision for the future, one where women's emotional intelligence and management skills are recognized as essential for creating a more just and livable world.

She stated, "Women, with their inherent versatility and ability to adapt quickly, can certainly shoulder many responsibilities and adjust swiftly to different situations and conditions." Her call for embracing these qualities highlights a shift in societal perceptions of women and their capabilities.

Emine Erdoğan also touched upon the global social pressures that homogenize women, often sidelining those who do not conform to a predefined model. She articulated a nuanced understanding of how societal expectations can limit women’s opportunities and their ability to express their individuality.

"When discussing women's issues in the workforce today, the extraordinary efforts and contradictions experienced by women caught between home and work, under the guise of 'equality,' are overlooked," she said.

The summit also served as a platform to acknowledge and honor women who have made significant contributions in various fields. The first lady presented the Awareness Awards to several distinguished recipients, including writer Alev Alatlı, professor Nurhan Atasoy and finance manager Canan Bayraktar.

These awardees exemplify the spirit of empowerment that Emine Erdoğan champions, each having made strides in their respective areas while balancing their roles in family and society.

Alatlı, a prominent thinker and writer, has been a long-time advocate for women's rights, using her voice to highlight social justice issues. Meriç, a respected academic, has advanced the understanding of social dynamics through his research and mentorship of emerging scholars. Bayraktar is celebrated for her pioneering contributions to technology and serves as an inspiration for women pursuing careers in STEM fields.

Erdoğan also emphasized the significance of these role models in creating a better future for women and girls.

During her address, she reiterated the government’s commitment to supporting women's rights through various programs. She highlighted initiatives such as home care support, maternity leave regulations and child care assistance that have been introduced during the AK Party's tenure.

"At the point we have reached today, our women can be strong mothers and wives in family life while also being key actors in social development," she said.

As the summit concluded, Erdoğan urged young people to learn from the experiences of those awarded the Awareness Awards. She particularly encouraged the youth to take inspiration from Alatlı’s writings and Bayraktar’s achievements, urging them to embrace their unique talents and make meaningful contributions to society.

"Women can be pioneers of social change; each of us has the power to write our own story," she concluded, reinforcing the notion that empowerment begins with individual action.