Turkish martyrs' kids to study free in private schools: Ministry
Students are seen playing in the playground of the school, Istanbul, Türkiye, Feb. 20, 2020

The National Ministry of Education has announced a significant initiative to provide free educational access to the relatives of martyrs, veterans and children under protection in private schools. This announcement, made on Monday, aims to ease these individuals' access to education in private institutions.

Starting from the next academic year, the ministry will centrally place thousands of students in free quotas in private schools. Applications for these placements will be accepted through the digital system during the summer period.

This initiative comes as part of the "Regulation on Amendments to the Regulation on Private Educational Institutions of the Ministry of National Education," which was published in the Official Gazette on Feb. 16 this year. This regulation introduces several new provisions regarding private schools and institutions.

"One key change is the introduction of centralized placement for students who are entitled to free education in private schools. According to Article 13 of the law, 3% of all students in private schools must be educated free of charge. This includes children of martyrs and veterans, as well as children under protection, care or shelter," officials said.

The Ministry of National Education has stated that these changes aim to streamline the registration process for students who fall under the law and are eligible for free quotas in private schools. This initiative is expected to provide these individuals with greater educational access and ensure their rights are upheld.

In this context, those students who want to attend a private school will be placed centrally according to their preferences, while the priority order in placement will be determined by the "evaluation form" in the annex of the regulation.

Accordingly, certain scores will be made for these students, who will be educated free of charge in private schools, by taking into account criteria such as family income, siblings, disability and the degrees obtained in competitions in the fields of sports and science. In case of a tie, a score will be made, and students with higher scores will be placed first.

The ministry continues to prepare to receive applications in the digital environment. Once the application calendar is announced, the governorships will evaluate the applications, and placement will be made in schools, considering scores and preferences.

Students who are eligible for placement will meet with the private schools and sign their contracts free of charge.

Implementing new placement procedures through the central system is planned for the next academic year.

Preferences for thousands of free quotas in private schools across the country are aimed to be received in the summer period.