4th Int'l Model OIC High School Summit convenes in Istanbul
Deputy National Education Minister Nazif Yılmaz (C) attends the press conference of the summit in cooperation with the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), Şişli, Istanbul, Türkiye, Dec. 27, 2023. (AA Photo)

The 4th edition of the International Model Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) High School Summit is scheduled to convene in Istanbul from Jan. 4 to 7, 2024, focusing on the theme "The Just Cause of Palestine: Establishing Permanent and Fair Peace."

In an announcement made during a news conference held at a hotel in Istanbul's Şişli district, the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) revealed its organization of the summit.

National Education Deputy Minister Nazif Yilmaz highlighted that the initiative commenced in 2018, emphasizing the participation of 224 students. The summit aims to foster language skills by conducting sessions in both English and Arabic, focusing on the topic of Palestine and Gaza.

Yilmaz underscored that the youth attendees will engage in discussions addressing crucial questions, including strategies for diplomatic initiatives to prevent future incidents and the protocols that should define international relations throughout this process.

Expressing poignant sentiments, ICYF President Taha Ayhan described Gaza as an enduring "bleeding wound," acknowledging Türkiye's active support for the Gaza cause.

Saban Kurt, president of the Beyoğlu Education and Culture Foundation, expressed gratitude to the press members, particularly those associated with Anadolu Agency (AA), for accurately conveying the events in Gaza to the global community.

Emphasizing the summit's commitment to advocating for lasting peace in Palestine, Kurt emphasized that the participating students from various Islamic nations are paving the way for diplomatic recognition and global awareness, championing justice and advocating for permanent peace in Palestine through their contributions to diplomatic and international dialogue.