Discoveries under Türkiye's Zerzevan castle spark new excavations
A panoramic view of the church ruins in Zerzevan Castle in Diyarbakır, southeastern Türkiye, July 23, 2023. (Shutterstock Photo)

With the recent series of archaeological finds, new excavation studies are set to be launched to uncover more information about the enormous structures unearthed beneath the 3,000-year-old Zerzevan Castle, an ancient Roman garrison situated in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır.

Led by a group of dedicated archaeologists, the ongoing studies have revealed the existence of massive multistory structures capable of accommodating thousands of individuals beneath the historic castle's foundations. This groundbreaking discovery piqued the interest of researchers and historians, leading to the decision to expand the excavation efforts into the underground areas beneath the larger city.

According to Aytaç Coşkun, the esteemed head of the excavation team, the project's nine-year-long endeavor has already uncovered a plethora of historical marvels at the Zerzevan Castle site. The remains of city walls, observation and defense towers, administrative buildings, residences, armories, underground places of worship, cisterns, and an ancient entrance dating back 1,800 years have been successfully unearthed through regular intervals of excavation.

Coşkun expressed great anticipation for the upcoming excavations, stating, "We know that we will encounter numerous surprises. Both the ground and underground excavations at Zerzevan Castle take us back to the past, where we will find answers to many unknown questions about that era."

In addition, Coşkun highlighted the significance of Zerzevan Castle to the region's tourism and said that the number of visitors had already surpassed 150,000 in the last five months. He shared that a visitor reception center is currently under construction adjacent to the castle. The center is expected to be completed within the year. It aims to attract a staggering 1 million visitors annually, substantially boosting the region's economy and employment opportunities.

With its origins tracing back to the Assyrian era, Zerzevan Castle initially served as a border garrison for the Roman Empire before transforming into a military settlement during the third century A.D. Its historical significance continued as it later fell under the control of Islamic armies.

As the excavation efforts expand and the mysteries buried beneath Zerzevan Castle begin to surface, researchers and history enthusiasts eagerly await the captivating historical insights that will shed new light on the ancient past. The ongoing discoveries are expected to contribute significantly to our understanding of this extraordinary site and its rich history.