Çevrefest kicks off nationwide environmental awareness week
Canik Municipality in Samsun fosters a zero waste culture and eco-conscious generations through its projects, Samsun, Türkiye, May 26, 2024. (IHA Photo)

The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change will ignite the "ÇEVREFEST" flame as part of the Environmental Week activities to be held from June 5 to 9. The festival, which will be held nationwide under the slogan "Hepimizin Bir Dünyası Var," which means "We All Have One World," will feature zero waste activities and introduce clean production technologies.

Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Minister Mehmet Özhaseki will deliver the opening speech at the Capital City People's Garden in Ankara, where the program will take place, featuring numerous children's activities. The festival will host discussions that will appeal to participants of all ages and include workshops and a book fair. The mega event will be a first in Türkiye and will reach 85 million citizens in 81 provinces. Various activities will be organized nationwide as part of the festival.

During the four-day program, dives will be carried out by environmental volunteer divers to draw attention to underwater pollution, and traffic-free zones will be established for a day to reduce motor vehicle-induced air pollution. Additionally, tree planting will be carried out in designated areas, and participants will be introduced to monumental trees and registered caves.

One of the environmentally friendly steel houses under construction in earthquake-prone villages will also be open to visitors at the Capital City People's Garden. Panels and discussions will be held for children and young people throughout the four days to raise environmental awareness.

The event in 81 provinces

Zero waste workshops will be set up in all 81 provinces as part of ÇEVREFEST, and awareness-raising campaigns will be conducted for citizens through waste collection campaigns. Visits will be organized to waste collection-separation facilities and recycling plants. Visits will also be made to coastal cities' Blue Flag marinas and boats as part of the "Zero Waste Blue" practices. Marine litter, its effects on marine life and the effects of climate change on the seas will also be addressed.