Algae, duckweed, trash take over NW Türkiye's Tunca River
An aerial view shows the algae and duckweed taking over Tunca River, Edirne, Türkiye, June 20, 2024. (AA Photo)

Due to excessive heat and stagnant water flow, unsightly algae and duckweed have formed on the surface of the Tunca River, which passes through Edirne, northwest Türkiye.

According to the State Hydraulic Works (DSI) river measurement report, Tunca's flow rate was measured at a slow 4 cubic meters per second.

Due to low flow rates, the river has become stagnant in some areas.

In addition, trash, along with debris blown by the wind, continues to pollute the river.

New dumpsters needed

City residents have expressed frustration about the pollution plaguing the river, demanding that the trash be cleaned up.

Tuğrul Zekai Tanrıverdi, a resident, told Anadolu Agency (AA) that the problem has persisted for years.

Tanrıverdi mentioned that concerned citizens and university students occasionally clean around the river, stating: "Just as the Meriç River is beautiful, we want Tunca River to be beautiful too. We want the province, municipality and State Hydraulic Works to intervene in this matter."

He emphasized the disruption of the world's ecological balance and the need to protect rivers.

Tanrıverdi explained that those visiting the riverbank litter both the river and its surroundings, saying: "There are no trash containers in this area. Conscious citizens take their trash to the market, there are simple solutions; municipal workers clean here, but trash containers should also be installed. Recently, someone threw a sofa into the river, and I was astonished. The river is filled with glass bottles that take 1,000 years to decompose in nature; as a citizen, this situation saddens me. You can see how dirty it is."