Akıncılar melon to become new Turkish coffee sensation
The famous Akıncılar melon and a packet of melon-flavored coffee (R) is seen on a counter, Sivas, Türkiye, July 15, 2024. (IHA Photo)

The famous Akıncılar melon, native to the Akıncılar district of Sivas in central Türkiye, has found its way into Turkish coffee, creating a unique and flavorful experience, asserts the town's mayor. Mass production of this special coffee has now begun.

Akıncılar Mayor Murat Sevin spearheaded the initiative to blend the Akıncılar melon, admired for its exceptional taste and aroma, with coffee.

The melon-infused coffee is now in mass production, and Mayor Sevin expressed his intention to obtain a patent for the product and make it available to the public as soon as possible.

"We've extracted the essence of our melon and made coffee from it," said Sevin. They offer the coffee to their guests and the feedback has been good.

'Our melon is our brand'

Sevin emphasized his desire to introduce the Akıncılar melon to the wider world. "Our melon has been our brand for many years," he explained.

He continued: "While Manisa melons are well-known, we have transformed ours into a unique product specific to Akıncılar. Our melon is genuinely renowned for its size and flavor. We've been sharing our melon with everyone at our traditional Melon Festival for 25 years."

"However, we aspire to showcase Akıncılar's melon throughout Türkiye and the world, we've now gone beyond just melons. We've created coffee from the essence of our melon. Akıncılar now has its own unique melon-infused coffee."

"We offer it to our guests at the municipality and our social facilities. The public is pleased, and everyone is happy. And the flavor is truly exceptional," he claimed.

Melon makes mark

"The Akıncılar melon has made its mark. We want everyone to savor the flavor of this melon. Our district produces an exceptionally delicious melon due to the soil's inherent fertility. We cultivate it naturally and organically. We don't use any fertilizers," Sevin explained. They anticipate a harvest of approximately 5,000 tons of melons this year.

He continued: "There are various coffee varieties available in Türkiye, such as dibek coffee and menengiç coffee. We asked ourselves, 'Why not melon?' We experimented and began mass production. These are gifts we'll be giving to the community. We hope to make this a brand as well."

"We'll make it a success for our district. Of course, our Melon Festival is coming up soon. It's scheduled for Aug. 23 to 25. We extend a warm welcome to everyone to visit our district."