76-Year-Old Turkish man greens roadsides with saplings
Mustafa Tekin dots roadsides with saplings in Kayseri, Türkiye, June 27, 2023. (AA Photo)

Meet Mustafa Tekin, a 76-year-old Kayseri resident who has spent the last 35 years planting saplings and making roadside landscapes come alive with greenery. Inspired by his love for the environment and a desire to contribute to his country and fellow citizens, Tekin has turned into a tireless advocate for a greener future.

Tekin planted oaks and acorns on mountain slopes, particularly in the majestic Erciyes region. However, about 15 years ago, he diversified his efforts by introducing various fruit saplings along roadsides.

Having planted thousands of saplings at strategic locations, including the Ali Mountain road near his home, Tekin demonstrates unwavering dedication to their care and maintenance. His heart fills with joy when passers-by and living beings benefit from the fruits of trees he nurtured.

In an interview with Anadolu Agency (AA), Tekin shared his journey, recounting how he began by planting oak trees in the mountains and later transitioned to grafting wild trees along the Ali Mountain road, interspersing them with different types of fruit seedlings.

Tekin carefully selects areas where irrigation is feasible while planting seeds in places without water supply. He covers over 15 kilometers daily, tending to his saplings with utmost care, treating them like his own children.

The array of trees Tekin has introduced provides a bountiful assortment of fruits for people to enjoy. "Kayseri is home to all types of trees, from walnuts and mulberries to apricots and apples," he proudly noted. Tekin also focuses on planting almond trees, known for their resilience in drought conditions. Year after year, he continues this labor of love, planting 3,000 to 5,000 seeds each autumn and grafting wild trees during spring, attentively monitoring their growth throughout the summer.

Tekin, who finds contentment, peace, and happiness in his work, expressed his desire to continue planting trees for as long as he lives. Despite encountering mixed reactions from those around him, Tekin remains undeterred. "Some people say, 'Are you crazy? Stay where you are.' But I have nobody. I cannot find joy in the world or inner peace if I don't do this. Let them mind their business," he asserted.

While Tekin's efforts have received widespread appreciation, he also faces challenges, such as tree damage by individuals. In an appeal to the public, Tekin requested people to refrain from breaking tree branches while plucking fruits.

Tekin's remarkable commitment to enhancing the natural environment serves as an inspiring example for others to follow. His selfless dedication not only beautifies Kayseri but also provides sustenance to both humans and wildlife. With each sapling he plants, Tekin contributes to a greener, more vibrant future for his community and future generations.