4th Istanbul Caravan Festival awaits camping enthusiasts this weekend
A number of caravans are seen in the 4th Istanbul Caravan Festival, Türkiye, Oct. 5, 2023. (Photo by Istanbul Caravan Festival)

The 4th Istanbul Caravan Festival, a popular event among camping enthusiasts and nature lovers, is set to take place in the coastal area of Kilyos on Istanbul's Black Sea coast between Oct. 6-8, 2023.

Organized by Nature Life School, the festival will feature talks about caravans and natural living, various sports activities, competitions, workshops and concerts. It aims to bring together people of all ages who are passionate about caravan life and those curious about connecting with nature. Festival participants have the option to stay in caravans or make daily entries.

In addition to traditional festival activities, such as concerts and workshops, attendees can enjoy surfing, yoga, ziplining and a climbing track. For children, there will be various games and activities, as well as workshops on setting up tents, painting and fire safety.

Participants set up a tent at the 4th Istanbul Caravan Festival, Türkiye, Oct. 5, 2023. (Photo by Istanbul Caravan Festival)

The festival will showcase various caravan models for those interested in adopting the caravan lifestyle. There will also be stands featuring caravans and camping equipment.

Due to limited capacity, only a certain number of caravans can participate in the festival. Detailed information about attending with a caravan or for day visits can be found on the Istanbul Caravan Festival on the social media platform Instagram or the festival's official website. Tickets for the festival will be available for purchase through the Biletino ticket sales platform.

For participants traveling to the festival by public transportation, free shuttle services will be available from Istanbul's Hacıosman Metro Station to the festival grounds during the event.

The Istanbul Caravan Festival is expected to host approximately 200 caravans and welcomes nearly 10,000 visitors.

A participant enjoys a zipline in the 4th Istanbul Caravan Festival, Türkiye, Oct. 5, 2023. (Photo by Istanbul Caravan Festival)

Nature Life School

The festival organizer, Nature Life School, was founded in Sarıyer, Istanbul, on a 400-acre land in 2018. It has become one of the largest camping and nature-themed facilities in Istanbul, having hosted over 100,000 guests to date. The school focuses on immersing children and young people in nature and offers a range of programs led by a team of 35 certified experts. Their mission is to help participants discover their strengths, intelligence and abilities and boost self-confidence and teamwork skills through nature camps and training sessions.