Türkiye rolls out 5-year agricultural drought combat plan
The exposed shoreline of Karasu wetlands after the water receded due to drought, Iğdır, eastern Türkiye, Jan. 28, 2023. (AA Photo)

Türkiye's Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is preparing a plan to combat agricultural drought for the 2023-2027 period to manage the crisis in a region that is experiencing, or will experience, a drought.

The "Agricultural Drought Combat Strategy and Action Plan for the 2023-2027 Period" prepared by the ministry aims to increase public awareness about agricultural drought, plan sustainable agricultural water use, take necessary measures during periods of drought and take effective measures in times of crisis. It is aimed to minimize the effects of drought by implementing a combat program.

According to the plan, crisis management based on agricultural drought forecasts will be implemented. Precipitation, soil moisture data, groundwater and surface water observation data will be monitored on a provincial basis. These plans will be managed according to the threshold levels to determine values.

On the basis of the region where the drought is prevalent, drought crisis decisions will be made and crisis management practices will be carried out. In addition "Provincial Drought Action Plans" will be prepared in accordance with the dynamics and special requirements of each province.

Existing irrigation systems will be converted to closed water-saving systems and other irrigation systems will be maintained and repaired. Networks that are under planning or construction will be designed as "closed irrigation networks" to reduce water loss and increase efficiency.

An "agricultural yield forecasting and monitoring system" will be established to contribute to drought crisis forecasting and management, besides the preparation of dry period basin management and action plans.

The potential water-storing capacity of the country's storage (pond-dam) facilities will be increased. Measures will be taken to collect wastewater to treat and reuse in the agricultural and industrial sectors. Drilled groundwater wells will be mapped and monitored periodically, and farmers will be trained respectively.

It will be ensured that the flow rate allocated to all groundwater wells drilled for drinking, industrial and agricultural purposes will be measured and monitored by installing a meter.

Inter-basin water transmission will be planned and implemented when necessary. Appropriate land use patterns will be determined by considering the quality of the soil, the land and other characteristics.

Within the scope of the Türkiye Agricultural Basins Production and Support Model, product pattern planning will be made in agricultural basins.

An irrigation database will be created to transform groundwater irrigation projects operated by irrigation cooperatives into drip irrigation systems. According to possible drought scenarios, the product pattern will be planned on a provincial basis, and risky areas will be directed to forage crop production. During possible drought periods, animal feed (coarse and concentrated) supply security will be ensured.

A program will be determined to prevent economic speculation arising from the supply and demand effects of drought and create the necessary stocks of goods. In order to reduce the risk of food shortages, the use of certified seeds that increase productivity in agriculture will be boosted.

Necessary measures will be taken to produce sufficient seeds of new drought-resistant plant varieties. Water-harvesting techniques will be applied to conserve water in the soil during dry periods.

In order to increase the efficiency of irrigation in the fight against agricultural drought, training will be organized for farmers to popularize the use of modern and climate-friendly irrigation techniques, besides extension activities for farmers.