96 arrested in new round of nationwide ops against FETÖ in Turkey
Gendarmerie officers escort a FETÖ suspect to the courthouse in Kahramanmaraş, southern Turkey, March 1, 2022. (İHA PHOTO)

Security forces arrested 96 suspects on Tuesday in operations across Turkey against the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ). Operations, based on separate investigations conducted by prosecutors in the capital Ankara and southern province of Mersin, are the latest blow to the group that was behind the July 15, 2016 coup attempt.

In the capital Ankara, three investigations concluded with arrest warrants for 41 suspects. Among them, 33 were arrested while operations are underway to capture the others. Chief Prosecutor’s Office in the city said in a statement that 19 people were arrested in one investigation into FETÖ’s secret network of infiltrators in Air Forces Command. Suspects include military officers of several ranks, including a lieutenant-colonel. Their links to the terrorist group were uncovered due to their contacts with "civilian imams," FETÖ’s handlers for infiltrators. Prosecutor’s office said suspects regularly contacted with handlers through public payphones, a method commonly employed by the secretive terrorist group. In another Ankara-based investigation, 21 suspects were wanted for membership in the terrorist group. They were identified through their use of an encrypted messaging app, their correspondences on which were uncovered by investigators. Among these suspects, 14 were arrested.

In another investigation based in Ankara, 21 out of 27 wanted suspects were arrested. The suspects were identified in an investigation in military school exam frauds. They are accused of stealing questions and answers to a 2012 exam for promotion of non-commissioned officers at Gendarmerie Forces, a 2010 military high school admission exam and a 2013 exam that allowed non-commissioned officers to be promoted to the rank of military officers.

Prosecutors in Mersin sought arrest of 33 suspects including 19 active-duty soldiers in an investigation into military infiltrators of FETÖ. Operations were held in six provinces to capture the suspects. A total of 28 suspects were captured in operations in Mersin, the capital Ankara, Karaman, Bolu, Şanlıurfa and Tokat. Operations are underway to capture the others.