Internet usage on the rise, men shop online more in Turkey
A woman attends a computer class in Kırklareli, northwestern Turkey on March 17, 2019. (Photo by Özgür Tiran)

The latest official figures show the internet usage rate among people between the ages of 16 and 74 rose to 79% in Turkey.

In its Information and Communication Technology Usage Survey on Households and Individuals which was released on Tuesday, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) also announced that the rate of men shopping online is higher than women, at 40.2%.

Internet use rose, compared with 75.3% last year, according to the statistics and the majority of users were men. Households’ access to the internet also rose to 90.7% from 88.3% last year while Turkey also recorded a rise in broadband internet access for households.

Turkey also saw a slight rise in online shopping for goods and services. The majority of individuals use online shopping for buying clothes, shoes and accessories. Some 26.1% of users shopped for books and magazines. The most ordered or purchased product groups on the internet by males were clothes, shoes or accessories with 54.2%, deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains, catering service with 24.1% and printed books, magazines or newspapers with 22.5%, while by females, it was clothes, shoes or accessories with 68.5%, cosmetics, beauty or wellness products with 31.5% and printed books, magazines or newspapers with 30.2%.