'We are one nation': Turkish NGOs lead way for int'l students
Yedirenk International Student Association Bünyamin Göl (C) poses for a picture with international students in a get-together organized by Yedirenk, Sakarya, Türkiye. (Photo courtesy Yedirenk)

Local nongovernmental organizations reach out to international students to help them adapt to their academic life in Türkiye

Türkiye is a major attraction for international education as more and more people are planning to study in the country in recent years thanks to scholarships and other advantages. Similarly, the International Federation of Student Associations (UDEF), Yedirenk and other organizations extend assistance to international students.

The UDEF is the largest of its kind in the field of student studies in Türkiye. The organization hosts international students studying in Türkiye, guides students who want to come to the country for education, maintains contact with Türkiye's graduates and conducts joint studies.It encourages the establishment and ensures the coordination of international student associations. In an exclusive interview with Daily Sabah, UDEF President Abdullah Muhammad Islam explained the initiative behind the UDEF and its contributions.

"Türkiye has a rich history of hosting foreigners, particularly students coming from all around the world. They chose Türkiye for their education, which is another privilege," Islam shared. "We are one nation, our difference, diversity, is our wealth. We share the same world where peace, friendship and tolerance prevail," he said. "We believe in shaping the future of humanity by assisting international students," Islam added.

Referring to UDEF's activities and projects, Islam said: "The UDEF is an umbrella organization that has 58 organizations in 55 districts. The organization was established in 2012 and actively started working in 2014. The organization covers several activities, including educational, social and cultural. While country representatives and get-togethers are organized, social and sports activities, and history and cultural trips are also arranged. These events are designed to help our guest students learn about the social, cultural and social structure of our country and not feel alone."

Answering a question regarding the academic assistance to international students, Islam explained that every year the UDEF organizes an academic symposium for students studying in every department of social and humanities, science and engineering sciences, international student studies to poetry and literature. "We want the literature to be rich and the contribution of these students truly enriches our academia," he explained.

Talking about the successful chapters of the UDEF in different cities of Türkiye, he highlighted Sakarya, Istanbul, Ankara, Kayseri, Bursa and Konya, respectively. "We believe in establishing a civilizational bridge between Türkiye and the world," he emphasized.

Emphasizing that the support for the students doesn't end with their academic careers, he also noted: "We do not forget our students after graduation. We stay connected with all our graduates to ensure their successful and prosperous future."

Yedirenk Sakarya

"Established with the motto 'We are one nation,' the Yedirenk International Student Association was established to provide education and guidance services to international students in Sakarya," the Yedirenk association's president, Bünyamin Göl, said in an interview with Daily Sabah.

Yedirenk is an international nongovernmental organization (NGO), a district chapter of UDEF and it is working to provide the best services to international students who come to the country for education from all over the world to study.

Explaining the projects of Yedirenk, Göl said: "We organize several programs to support the academic development of international students. Technical trips and institutional visits are organized for students to see and experience the working environments in businesses and public institutions."

In addition, student camps are organized where social activities are held for students who cannot go to their countries during the holidays so the students can relax and have fun. Other activities such as visiting orphanages, retirement homes, football tournaments, cycling tours, trekking and similar activities are organized for the students as well.

"On a social level, country promotion programs are organized in cooperation with various institutions and the Provincial Directorate of National Education, where international students mingle with the locals of Sakarya and share details about their country, culture and themselves with the public. Country promotion competitions are held within the scope of the Young Commerce Bridge project, which is jointly organized with Genç MUSIAD (the Young Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association)," he added.

International students and Yedirenk International Student Association Bünyamin Göl (C) attend a Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) program at Sakarya University. (Photo courtesy of Yedirenk)

"Our organization elects a regional and country president from the students who actively participate in the association. This system was created to respond to the needs of the students more quickly and to provide easier communication. There are five regional presidents comprising countries that are close to each other regionally and culturally, namely Central Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. The regional president and the students of each country elect their president and carry out joint programs and studies.

"We also announce the 'Yedirenk Academy' annually, which is an interdisciplinary program offered to students who are awarded certificates that help them in their formal education in university," he said.

"Similarly, we offer Turkish language courses to those students who can’t afford the TÖMER Turkish language course due to lack of financial means. Generally, most of the students here start their formal education after the B2 level of Turkish but it isn’t sufficient to compete in the class with Turkish students; hence we assist them with the C2 level and speaking clubs to help them perform well," he explained.

Yedirenk also announces Internship programs in collaboration with MÜSİAD, ASKON and other business hubs to facilitate students in their careers.

Besides, they help the research students in their thesis period by providing them access to software like Mendly and monthly training on presentation skills.

The "Bölge Uzman" program – with one Turk and one international student – will be soon announced to the students and 10 different countries will be assigned tasks after a 10-week educational program. At the end of the program, reports will be submitted by the teams and the first three groups will be awarded a return flight to visit their families.

Göl also discussed the challenges that the association encounters while assisting international students in the bureaucratic process, such as residence permits and documentation. "It is sometimes very hard for us to help students in assisting them due to some opposition campaigns against foreigners in the country. This is what drains us the most," he shared.

While speaking of accomplishing objectives, he said witnessing the happiness, peace and relaxation on the faces of these international students determines the fulfillment of the organization's objectives. "I truly believe that we sincerely are aiming at achieving our target, 'make an international student feel at home,'" he added.

"We are planning to conduct a research survey to get to know more about students to help them," the president said.

An alumni information system has been established to ensure that international students who have completed their university education do not break their ties with the country when they return to their home countries.

"The International Alumni Association carries out various activities with graduates who have received a university education in our country," he added.