Short-term job program revives employment

A new employment scheme by the government puts an end to the unemployment woes of disadvantaged members of the public. The Program For Society recruited 2 million people in 20,000 different short-term employment projects run by the public sector. Now, the program will be expanded into the private sector and will prioritize people above the age of 35 and without a job.

The government will also update a job training program which educates prospective workers on vocational training and entrepreneurship. Some TL 5 billion were spent for employment of disadvantaged citizens in short-term jobs like school security, road maintenance and tree planting. When the program is expanded into the private sector, the government will cover job training fees and other basic costs for employers and employees.

The program's main purpose is keeping jobless citizens in employment even temporarily and giving an extra support to the unemployed living on unemployment wages. Under new regulations, the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR) will oversee recruitment in the Program For Society. The program is expected to recruit 80,000 people this year but this number is expected to increase to more than 250,000 following the inclusion of the private sector in the program.

The applicants are required to be Turkish citizens and above the age of 18 for eligibility to short-term jobs. Pensioners and those living on benefits for widows and orphans are excluded. Students in distance learning programs can also apply. The applicants are selected for recruitment with a three-stage draw and for sectors with low employment rate. Women, people above 35, the disabled, former convicts and survivors of terror attacks are given priority in employment. Each working period usually lasts nine months, with 45 working hours per week. Recruits can apply again after the job period expires after a three-month waiting period.

In February, the government announced an employment mobilization program to tackle unemployment. The government says 10 million jobs were created since 2009 as part of employment policies to drive economic growth.

The country aims to reach an unemployment rate target of 10.8% in 2021 under the new economic program announced in September last year. Turkey's unemployment rate was 12.8% in May 2019, the latest month with available data.