TV show reunites Dutch woman with Turkish sister

Monique Witteman had no idea she had a Turkish father until her mother told her the truth on her deathbed. The 55-year-old Dutch lawyer came to Turkey to search for her father, but instead found a sister in Hatice Köse.

The two women met on a daytime show on ATV after Köse thought Witteman might be the "daughter in the Netherlands" mentioned by her father, who was married to a Turkish woman in Turkey. Köse contacted the TV show on which Witteman appeared to appeal for the whereabouts of Mehmet Yıldız, her Turkish father.

The show's presenter, Müge Anlı, announced yesterday the results of a DNA test that showed the two were indeed the daughters of Yıldız, who was a Turkish worker in the Netherlands in the 1960s.