Russian embassy's street named after slain Ambassador Karlov

In a tribute to Andrei Karlov, the Russian ambassador to Turkey gunned down in a shocking attack in Ankara in December, the municipality of the Turkish capital renamed the street where his residence and Russian embassy are located.

Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek presented a copy of the municipal council's decision to rename the street to Marina Karlov, the widow of the ambassador who was fatally shot in an art gallery by an off-duty police officer linked to the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ).

"We are very sorry that Mr. Karlov fell victim to a murder and we feel ashamed [that it took place in Turkey]. Terrorists aimed to harm Russian-Turkish relations and we know now more or less that FETÖ was behind it. They failed to harm the relations," he said.

Marina Karlov said her late husband worked a lot to improve Turkish-Russian relations and she believed that relations will improve. "We love Turkey and we thank you [for this gesture]," she added.

The attack by the policeman identified as Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş, an off-duty officer who smuggled a gun inside the Ankara art gallery where Karlov was attending an event, has come at a time of rejuvenation for Russian-Turkish ties. Relations were thawed after Moscow and Ankara agreed to restore ties one year after Turkey shot down a Russian jet. Following Karlov's assassination, Turkey has reached out to Russia to offer condolences and reiterate their commitment to cooperation with Moscow. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called the attack an act of provocation and that neither country will fall for it.