Some 423 injured from Aleppo treated in Turkey

The number of injured civilians from Syria's war-torn city of Aleppo sent to Turkish hospitals reached 423, Turkish authorities on Friday confirmed.The injured civilians had arrived in Turkey after they were evacuated from Aleppo under a deal.The Prime Ministry's Directorate General of Press and Information said that 62 of the 423 injured civilians had succumbed to their wounds while 90 others were discharged with minor injuries.Meanwhile, 152 others were transferred to hospitals in other provinces while conditions of 124 seriously injured remained unchanged.Late last month, Syrian opposition forces and the regime reached a cease-fire deal, brokered by Turkey and Russia, to evacuate civilians from eastern Aleppo to safe areas in opposition-held Idlib.So far, some 44,000 people have been evacuated from the area, according to Turkish authorities. Turkish relief foundations and humanitarian organizations are continuing to provide aid to Aleppo evacuees in Idlib.