Driver notices bullet wound 45 kilometers later

It took 45 kilometers and "a warm feeling" in his leg for a driver to notice he had been shot. Necmi Arın, 55, was hauling fruits with his truck to the northern city of Trabzon from the nearby city of Samsun when he heard "an explosion." He first thought it was a flat tire but resumed driving after he got out and saw no tires were punctured. He then parked his truck at a gas station to get some sleep."I felt something warm in my leg and that was when the gas station attendant told me I was bleeding. Then, I saw a hole in the truck's door and that was when I came to know that I was shot," he told Turkish media. Despite his wound, Arın drove to a nearby hospital where doctors discovered a bullet went through his stomach and lodged in his groin.Arın said he did not feel any pain, except for a numb feeling in his leg. The driver he does not know who would want to shoot at him. "I think it was some drunk random shooting," he told reporters while police launched an investigation into the incident.