Stratfor shares info on Erdoğan's flight en route to Istanbul while 2 pro-coup f-16s harassing his plane

At the height of the failed coup attempt in Turkey, US-based think tank Stratfor shared the information about the president's flight to Istanbul's Atatürk Airport from Marmaris while two pro-coup f-16 fighter jets were harassing the president's plane.

The global intelligence company shared several tweets on Friday night about the flight path of Erdoğan's business jet while making publications on the failure of Turkish coup would harm the fight against Daesh and weaken Turkey.

The Turkish leader was returning to Istanbul from a holiday near the coastal resort of Marmaris after a faction in the military launched the coup attempt on Friday night, sealing off a bridge across the Bosphorus, trying to capture Istanbul's main airport and sending tanks to parliament in Ankara.

A senior Turkish official confirmed to Reuters that Erdogan's business jet had been harassed while flying from the airport that serves Marmaris by two F-16s commandeered by the coup plotters but that he had managed to reach Istanbul safely.A second senior official also said the presidential jet had been "in trouble in the air" but gave no details.