Turkish police warn of possible terrorist attacks by Daesh on May 19

The National Police Headquarters on Monday sent out a notice to 81 provincial police departments warning of possible terrorist attacks by Daesh on Thursday.

The confidential notice asked that all necessary measures be taken against possible attacks on military and police targets on this public holiday -- May 19, Atatürk, Youth, and Sports Day -- as well as critically important public buildings, police sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking with the media.

Security measures adopted for May 19 ceremonies must be tightened and additional measures taken the notice said, adding that the Daesh terrorist group sees Turkish troops and police as "infidels," and considers fighting against them and killing them "permissible."

May 19 marks the beginning of Turkey's War of Independence and the emergence of modern Turkey, which is celebrated through official ceremonies across the nation.

May 19, 1919 was the day Mustafa Kemal, founder of the Republic of Turkey who was later to become Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, arrived in the Black Sea city of Samsun from Istanbul to organize the war that saw the remnants of the Ottoman Empire transformed into modern Turkey four years later.